Rock climbing. More like rock falling. I enjoy the dangerous and fun activities, and on one peculiar July day, I fell and tore the three major ligaments in my ankle whilst damaging my cartilege in two major places.
Six months later, surgery came to fix my ankle. Now, six months of recovery to keep it fixed. My biggest worry: my fitness goals.
Come with me, learn with me, and (mayhaps) cry with me as we learn to adapt to what our body can do and appreciate what the world has to offer all of us.
The Blog. The Workouts.
Read my thoughts as I work through the next 6 months of recovery.
Thoughts, workouts, and trying to find my damn inner peace.
As I learn on this journey, I want to learn from you too! Send me your tricks, life experiences, and strong girl/guy/they tips. I wanna hear them all :)